The purpose of the Truth and Justice
Commision is the Following.
The Truth and Justice Commission
(TJC) is a USA based restorative justice body assembled to include members of all ethnicities to
look at the institutions, educational bodies, churches, unions and historical figures tied to slavery,
confederate monuments, trafficking, economic slavery, lynchings, the KKK, segregation, Jim
"Whether we investigate Harvard, The Episcopal Church, the Confederate Democrat
Party, or Unions, Seminaries, Universities, Hollywood, or Politicans for ethnic
injustice, "LET THE TRUTH BE HEARD" and LET THE CHIPS FALL WHERE THEY MAY." The institutions
responsible for the civl war, slavery, Jim Crow, segregation, Padrone Slavery, lynchings and political party
racism, and monuments are culpable. These entities that are still in viable existence in the USA and
their agents should be held accountable and be confronted
with justice.
Victims of gross human rights violations are invited to give statements about truth and history of bigotry and
racism from the American Revolution all the way up to Jefferson Davis, Woodrow Wilson, FDR, Lyndon B Johnson and
Jimmy Carter.
We are here to foster, protect and
promote the welfare and justice for working families by bringing together mindful
citizens into an organization to promote smart policies which benefit and
protect working citizens, their families and children.
The purpose is also create
awareness and to inform the public on any issues that relate to achieving excellence, human potential,
education, good working conditions, safe streets, and environmental policy that helps familes,
including sustainable tax policy, educational policy, global ethnic harmony,
anti-discrimination, and legislation etc.
This will be done as part of the
Global Social Justice Institute's endorsement process in each county and state with the President’s
The goal of the GSJI is to work with others to
achieve better treatment of communities on the issues of: family justice, criminal justice,
worker justice, tax justicie, environmental farmer justice, anti-red-tape/regulatory justice, effective and
safe health care worker rights, environmental rights, inner-city polution justice, anti-inner-city crime,
quality education justice, entrepreneur/worker safety, and worker retirement

The Ad Hoc Inquiry Commission in Charge of
the Question of Disappearances formed in 2003 to investigate human rights violations
that occurred in the 1990s.
Created by President of
Argentina Raúl Alfonsín on 15
December 1983, the National Commission
on the Disappearance of Persons (Comisión Nacional sobre la Desaparición de
Personas) investigated human rights violations, including 30,000 forced disappearances, committed during
the Dirty War. The research of the commission, documented in
the Never Again (Nunca Más) report, included individual cases on 9,000 disappeared persons. The
report was delivered to Alfonsín on 20 September 1984 and opened the door to the Trial of the Juntas, the first major trial held
for war crimes since the Nuremberg trials in Germany
following World War II and the first to be conducted by a civilian court.
War Crimes Fact Finding
Committee, set up in Bangladesh to investigate the Human rights abuses carried out
during the Bangladesh Liberation War.[1]
The National
Commission of Inquiry into Disappearances was the first of a series of Latin American
commissions. It formed in 1982 but did not complete its report.[2]
The non-punitive National Truth
Commission (Comissão Nacional da Verdade) was approved in late 2011 by
the Federal Senate and sanctioned by
President Dilma Rousseff. The commission will last for two
years and consist of seven members appointed by the President. Members of the commission will have access to
all government files about the 1946–1988 period and may convene victims or people accused of violations for
testimony, although it will not be mandatory for them to attend. After the end of the two years period, the
commission will issue a report with its findings. The group will not have, however, the obligation to
disclose everything they discover.
The Truth and Reconciliation
Commission of Canada was a commission investigating the human rights abuses in
the Canadian Indian residential
school system. It ran from June 2008 through June 2015.
formed a Commission of Inquiry into Crimes and
Misappropriations committed by former president Hissene Habre in 1990 which reported
there had been 40,000 killings and 200,000 cases of torture under Habre's rule.[2]
The National Commission for Reparation
and Reconciliation (Comisión Nacional de Reparación y Reconciliación) aims to
help victims to recover from the armed conflict.[3]
Congo (Democratic Republic)
A peace agreement in 2004 mandated the Truth and Reconciliation
Commission (DRC) which issued an administrative report in 2007.[2]
The National Truth and Reconciliation
Commission (Comisión Nacional de Verdad y Reconciliación;[4] popularly
known as the "Rettig Report"), created in April 1990, investigated deaths and disappearances, particularly
for political reasons, under Augusto Pinochet's rule. The report was released
in 1991. The National Commission on Political Imprisonment and
Torture ("Valech Report") also investigated human rights abuses from the reign of
Pinochet. Released in 2004 and 2005, the commission differed from the previous one in that it investigated
non-fatal violations of human rights, such as torture, and also covered children whose parents had
disappeared or been killed. The report of this commission was used by the government of Chile to give out
pensions and other benefits to survivors.
Czech Republic
The Office
for the Documentation and the Investigation of the Crimes of Communism (Úřad
dokumentace a vyšetřování zločinů komunismu) is a subdivision of Czech criminal police which
investigates criminal acts from the period 1948-1989 which were unsolvable for political reasons during the
Czechoslovak communist regime.
The Truth
Commission (La Comisión de la Verdad) was established by the government to
investigate the violation of human rights especially during the period of 1984 to 1988.
El Salvador
Established by the United Nations (instead of the
Government of El Salvador),[5] the
establishment of the Commission on the Truth for El
Salvador (Comisión de la Verdad para El Salvador) was part
of Chapultepec Peace
Accords to end the Salvadoran Civil War. The commission
investigated murders and executions committed during the war, including that of Óscar Romero in 1980
and six Jesuits in 1989.
Reconciliation and Unity
The Truth, Reconciliation
and Reparations Commission (TRRC) Act was enacted by
the National
Assembly in December 2017[6] to
investigate human rights violations during the period of Yahya Jammeh's rule. It was sworn in on October 15,
Created a Commission of inquiry
into crimes of the SED in East Germany after unification in 1992.[2]
National Reconciliation
Historical Clarification
Commission (Comisión para el Esclarecimiento Histórico).
The Haitian National
Truth and Justice Commission.
The Honduras Truth and
Reconciliation Commission investigated events around the 2009 Honduras coup
Waki Commission; The Truth,
Justice and Reconciliation Commission of Kenya.
Truth and Reconciliation
The Truth and Justice
Commission of the Mauritius was an independent truth
commission established in 2009, which explored the impact
of slavery and indentured
servitude in Mauritius. The Commission was tasked to investigate the
dispossession of land, and “determine appropriate measures to be extended to descendants of slaves and
indentured laborers.”[11][12]
It was “unique in that it [dealt] with socio-economic class abuses" and explored the
possibility of reparations.[11]
The Commission attempted to cover more than 370 years, the longest period of time that a
truth commission has ever covered.[11]
Equity and Reconciliation
Commission (IER).
Truth and Reconciliation
Commission (Nepal) reported in 1991 on the period 1961-1990. A new
Commission on Investigation of Disappeared Persons (CIDP) formed on 10 Feb 2015.
New Zealand
Established in 1975, The Waitangi Tribunal is a commission which makes recommendations on
claims brought to the tribunal by Maori relating to legislation, policy, actions or inactions by the Crown
in breach of the 1840 Treaty of Waitangi.
A Human
Rights Violations Investigation Commission formed in 1999 and reported in
The Panama Truth
Commission (Comisión de la Verdad) was established in 2000 and reported that
the former military regime had engaged in torture and other forms of cruel, inhuman, and degrading
Truth and Justice
Commission (Comisión de Verdad y Justicia).
Truth and Reconciliation
Commission (Comisión de la Verdad y Reconciliación).
Institute of National
In 2010, President Benigno "Noynoy"
Aquino announced that a Philippines Truth
Commission will be formed to investigate unresolved issues concerning the previous
administration of President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo. On July 30, 2010,
a month after being sworn-in as the 15th President of the Philippines, Aquino
signed Executive Order No. 1,[13] creating
the Philippine Truth Commission of 2010.[14] However,
the Supreme Court of the
Philippines invalidated the executive order because of its apparent transgression of
the equal protection
clause for singling out the Arroyo administration. In his ponencia in Biraogo vs. Truth Commission, Justice Jose C. Mendoza blatantly tagged
Aquino's Truth Commission "as a vehicle for vindictiveness and selective retribution."
[2] International non-governmental organizations created
International Commission of Investigation on Human Rights Violations in Rwanda since October 1,
1990 that reported in 1993; it did not advance afterwards due to
the Rwandan genocide of 1994. A
new National Unity
and Reconciliation Commission (Rwanda) formed in 1999 to promote reconciliation after
the genocide.
Sierra Leone
After the end of the Sierra Leone civil war in 1999, the country created a Sierra Leone Truth and
Reconciliation Commission which reported that both sides had targeted civilians,
including children, and called for improvements in democratic institutions and accountability.
Solomon Islands
Truth and
Reconciliation Commission (Solomon Islands). On April 29, 2009, a Truth and Reconciliation Commission
was launched by the Government of the Solomon
Islands. Its aim would be to "address people’s traumatic experiences during
the five year ethnic conflict on
Guadalcanal (1999-2004)". It is modelled on the Truth and Reconciliation
Commission of South Africa. Its public hearings commenced in March
South Africa
After the transition from apartheid, President Nelson Mandela authorized a truth
commission under the leadership of former Anglican Archbishop Desmond Tutu to study the effects of
apartheid in that country.[15] The
commission was simply called the Truth and
Reconciliation Commission.[16]
South Korea
Presidential Truth Commission on Suspicious Deaths in the Republic of Korea reported in
2004. A second Truth and
Reconciliation Commission opened in 2005.[17][18] There
has also been a local truth commission for Jeju island.
Sri Lanka
Lessons Learnt and
Reconciliation Commission. After an 18-month inquiry, the commission submitted its report to the
President on 15 November 2011. The report was made public on 16 December 2011, after being tabled in
the parliament.[19]
Timor-Leste (East Timor)
for Reception, Truth and Reconciliation in East Timor (Comissão de Acolhimento,
Verdade e Reconciliação de Timor Leste; 2001–2005); Indonesia–Timor
Leste Commission of Truth and Friendship (2005–2008).
Truth, Justice and Reconciliation Commission established in 2009 to investigate the
period from 1958 to 2009.[2]
Truth and Dignity
Commission (2014)[20]
Uganda Commission of Inquiry into Violations of Human Rights (1986-1994).
Ukrainian Institute of
National Remembrance (Український інститут національної пам'яті), founded by
President Viktor Yushchenko in 2006.
Investigative Commission on the Situation of Disappeared People and its Causes operated
in 1985 and produced a report covering the years 1972-83. A new Peace
Commission (Uruguay) was authorized by the president to look into the same period, and
reported in 2003.[2]
United States
The Truth and Justice Commission USA
Yugoslavia (Federal Republic of)
A Commission of Truth
and Reconciliation (Yugoslavia) was created by the president in 1999 but did not
complete its report.[2]
** We do not endorse nor oppose ethnic clubs, fraternities, or societies that celebrate the heritage of the
thousands of ethnicities in the world in EurAsia (India, Europe, Russia, Arabia, Asia) Africa, and
other regions of the world.